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Salmon is about the only type of fish filet I like. It’s the only seafood dish I’ll make at home and even at that it now has to be done strictly on the grill. I’ve made fish in the house before but it stinks so bad! I put up with it in the past because 1) we didn’t have a grill and/or 2) I was taking ‘one for the team’ to make sure we had all the benefits fish provide rotated into our diet.
So now it’s only salmon at home on the grill. Don’t get me wrong I love sushi, sometimes shrimp, crab, lobster and I’ll eat out for those – I’m picky there too about where I’ll eat what. But I won’t make any of them at home.
So there’s some background on my love-hate relationship with seafood.
Let me also note, as stated on my About page, that I am not solicited and/or compensated for opinions that I share here in any way. Like seriously, not in the least. Not by companies and ya know, come to think of it, not even readers or anyone who says ‘oh hey, you should post about that.’ Nope no one asks for my ramblings, I just share them. (signal obligatory ‘aww’) So I feel really special when I do get comments from those of you who do check out my ramblings from time to time.
It is just little ol’ me sharing my cooking adventures with whomever* will listen. I’m not trying to push, for example as I’ll get to in a moment, Tastefully Simple. I simply make recipes and those recipes use products and I simply share my experiences and what I use as I believe it to be helpful. Not a plug in any way.
So on to this recipe. The last Tastefully Simple party I was at the consultant suggested their Bayou Bourbon glaze on salmon. Visions of grilled salmon dripping in this ooey-gooey, sugary sauce entered my mind and I had to have it. And here are the results: easy and delicious. So there you have it, a suggestion for what to buy when you’re invited to a Tastefully Simple.

I served this yummy salmon dish with Oven Roasted Broccoli and Tastefully Simple’s Perfect Parmesan Biscuits. See what I mean? Tastefully Simple this, Tastefully Simple that. I happened to have a box and was then inspired to have a Red Lobster-esque meal. Seafood with cheesy biscuits!
So there ya have it. A recipe and some side ramblings!
*I cannot determine if I used that correctly or not. Whomever or whoever?